Apex Legends is one of the most popular free-to-play shooters, and for good reasons. The game features plenty of content and a wide range of Legends for players to choose from, allowing anyone of any playstyle to be able to find a character they’re comfortable with and play the game. However, every great game, especially ones that are online, like Apex Legends, will run into bugs or server issues from time to time. The newest bug to plague the Arena is an error called “Engine Error – UI Images Ran Out of Room.” With the number of players affected by this bug continuing to grow, more players are wondering what this “engine error” in Apex Legends even means.
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The engine error occurs when you try to load into the game or during gameplay with a message saying, “Engine Error UI Images Ran Out of Room.” This error will cause the player to be booted back to the main menu. While some players were able to get back into their match and continue playing, many were only brought back to the lobby screen. When they tried to rejoin their game, they received an error message saying that they “cannot rejoin a forfeited match” and were given an abandoned game penalty for leaving.
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This resulted in many casual and competitive players voicing their frustration on social media which then prompted the developer Respawn to make a statement. On Twitter, the studio said that the team is currently investigating the issue and are hoping to have a fix out in the morning.
There isn’t much that the Apex Legends community can do to fix “Engine Error UI Images Ran Out of Room.” It’s on Respawn Entertainment to provide a fix from its end. The community’s best bet is to follow Apex Legends’ official Twitter account and wait for an update.