How much will the New York Rangers head coach earn?

The New York Rangers have officially named Peter Laviolette as their new head coach, as confirmed by the team on Tuesday. The announcement, initially reported by The New York Post, solidifies Laviolette as the 37th head coach in the franchise's history. With his extensive experience in the NHL, the 58-year-old coach was widely regarded as one of the top candidates for the position.

According to The Athletic's Pierre LeBrun:

"Hearing Peter Laviolette deal with Rangers is three years at just under $5 M per season"

Peter Laviolette has agreed to a contract that will see him earn $4,900,000 per season. The contract spans three years, covering the 2023-24, 2024-25, and 2025-26 seasons.

This is identical to his previous contract with the Washington Capitals. His previous contract also spanned three years, beginning on September 15, 2020. Under that contract, he earned $4,900,000 per season for the 2020-21, 2021-22, and 2022-23 seasons. He served two years and six months.

Rangers fans eagerly anticipate the upcoming season and the opportunity to witness Laviolette's coaching firsthand. With his arrival, there is renewed hope that the Rangers can once again compete at the highest level and bring the coveted Stanley Cup back to New York.

The New York Rangers have appointed Peter Laviolette as their new head coach

Chris Drury, the Rangers' general manager, expressed his excitement about Laviolette's appointment, highlighting the coach's impressive track record and success at various levels throughout his career.

Peter Laviolette brings a wealth of coaching experience, having previously served as head coach for the Islanders, Hurricanes, Flyers, Predators, and Capitals, all within the Metropolitan Division. His time with the Washington Capitals ended when the team failed to reach the playoffs.

Despite this recent setback, Laviolette has consistently showcased his ability to maximize the potential of his star players. Over the course of his career, he has led his teams to the Stanley Cup Finals on three occasions, securing a championship victory in 2006 with the Carolina Hurricanes.

The decision to hire Laviolette as head coach reflects the Rangers' mindset of prioritizing immediate success as they aim to win their first Stanley Cup title since 1994. With Laviolette's proven track record and the Rangers' ambition, a new era of success awaits him in the New York Rangers team.

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