How to complete the Droplet Puzzle in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom’s “Droplet Puzzle” has left players stumped in the latest Hyrulian adventure. The puzzle appears during the “Clues to the Sky” main story quest and will require players to get to the Land of the Sky Fish and complete a specific task while they’re there. Getting there is easy, but finding the “tear” is where many find themselves confused.

Thankfully, the Droplet Puzzle is easy to solve in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, provided you know where to search. Many players have thought the clue meant they need to find a tear-shaped rock, but it’s something different altogether.

How to easily complete the Droplet Puzzle in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

Before you complete this puzzle in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, you must pick up the King Scale from King Dorephon and speak to Sidon of the Zora in the Mipha Court. This will begin the mission, and there are a few ways to get where you’re trying to go.

One of the easiest ways is to go to the edge of the Mipha Court zone and wait for a rock to fall from the Land of the Sky Fish. Once it hits the ground, jump on it and cast Rewind so you easily get to the zone you’re trying to reach to solve the Droplet Puzzle.

Your next goal is to get to the Floating Scales Island of the Land of the Sky Fish. What puzzled many is that they assumed that the Droplet Puzzle would be solved by finding just one rock that looked like a water droplet. In reality, you’re looking for something different.

While on this island, you should be able to spot a series of rocks that take an odd shape. After swimming up the brown waterfall to get to this area, run up the steps, and around the halfway point, you will see it to your left. It will appear on your screen.

At that point, to finish the Droplet Puzzle in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, attach the King Scale to an arrow and fire it through the hole in the center of the rocks. The arrow will blaze down into the water below, forming a green light on the surface, and you will be able to continue with the quest.

This particular puzzle is incredibly cryptic, and many players find themselves baffled about how to proceed. Thankfully, with a little looking, it’s a simple puzzle to solve.

The rocks float in a pattern that clearly resembles a droplet in this The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom zone. The rest of the quest should be simple now that the Droplet Puzzle has been completed.

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