Sons of the Forest is a survival horror game that involves crafting structures, items, and more. You will also need a safe haven to guard yourself against the dangers lurking in the game.
Once you build a house in Sons of the Forest, it is prone to get damaged. However, you can use the Repair Tool to restore its pristine condition.
The Repair Tool requires one Rock, one Stick, and one Rope to craft. After collecting these items, you can head into the inventory menu and craft the Repair Tool.
Alternatively, if you wish to disable structural damage, you can navigate to the Options menu and turn Structure Damage off (within the Gameplay tab).
Sons of the Forest pits you against cannibals, mutants, and aggressive animals. Therefore, having a place of your own is essential in the game.
However, your house is prone to damage from enemies. The title has visual cues in the form of broken parts that become prominent after they receive damage.
You can craft the Repair Tool (after collecting the aforementioned items) using the following steps:
The Repair Tool is a handy resource to fix all broken structures in the game. Therefore, it is worth having in your inventory. If you have crafted walls around the perimeter of your base, it is essential to have the Repair Tool.
If you wish to avoid dealing with this aspect altogether, you can opt to turn the Structure Damage off from the Gameplay tab in the Options menu.
Rocks are one of the easiest resources to find in the world of Sons of the Forest. They can usually be found lying on the ground.
Sticks can be acquired by chopping down small bushes and shrubs. You can also obtain leaves by doing so.
Rope can be obtained from several areas like beaches, cliffs, caves, and enemy camps. Caves are easy to locate since they are marked with white cave icons on the in-game GPS. These areas are dimly lit, so make sure you have a Torch to illuminate your path. Feel free to refer to this guide on how to easily obtain Rope in Sons of the Forest.
Once you acquire Rope, Stick, and Rock, you are free to craft a Repair Tool. It is ideal to have a weapon with you at all times since you may encounter ferocious enemies during exploration.
Sons of the Forest has attracted a lot of players, and you can try out the game if you admire survival games with resource-gathering mechanics. Apart from fighting enemies, the title also requires you to manage your hunger and thirst level. To quench your thirst, you must collect drinking water. Meanwhile, to get rid of hunger, you can cook food.
The game features AI companions Kelvin and Virginia. You can assign resource collection and some building tasks to Kelvin. Virginia can lend a helping hand in combat situations.
You can play the game solo or with friends in multiplayer and co-op. However, the title is facing some issues like players being stuck on loading screens, multiplayer not working, etc.
Sons of the Forest is only available on PC. Its developer, Endnight Games, has not commented on the release of this survival horror game on consoles. However, it is only a matter of time before the title eventually makes its way to current-gen platforms.
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