Which GTA Online vehicles have Imani Tech?

Imani Tech is a type of upgrade in GTA Online that was included with The Contract DLC and is accessible for a select few vehicles added alongside this DLC.

Imani Tech consists of special technological upgrades that range from remote control to redirecting homing missiles. This unique technology, however, is exclusive to 6 expensive vehicles, which have all been listed in this article.

GTA Online lobbies are a hazardous experience, so players will need all the help they can get. They just need to know where to look for these upgrades.

A brief overview of GTA Online vehicles with Imani Tech support

The Contract update introduced a new character known as Imani. She is a professional hacker who offers a wide range of services. If players own an Agency property, they can upgrade it with a personal workshop. This is where Imani will sell them the latest goods.

The Contract update is one of the biggest DLCs ever added to the game, and Imani Tech is one of the most appealing aspects introduced with it. When the update was launched, only four vehicles could be installed with these unique upgrades. In the weeks that followed, two more cars were added to the list of supported vehicles.

Here is the full list

There were 16 vehicles added alongside The Contract DLC, including two motorcycles. Out of these, only six vehicles can be installed with Imani Tech upgrades. Here are the compatible vehicles that players should look out for:

  • Bravado Buffalo STX ($2,150,000)
  • Declasse Granger 3600LX ($1,380,000)
  • Dewbauchee Champion ($2,995,000)
  • Enus Diety ($1,845,000)
  • Enus Jubilee ($1,650,000)
  • Mammoth Patriot Mil-Spec ($1,710,000)

These are quite expensive vehicles, but players can always unlock the trade prices. Here are the reduced costs for these selected vehicles:

  • Bravado Buffalo STX ($1,612,500)
  • Declasse Granger 3600LX ($1,035,000)
  • Dewbauchee Champion ($2,246,250)
  • Enus Diety ($1,383,750)
  • Enus Jubilee ($1,237,500)
  • Mammoth Patriot Mil-Spec ($1,282,500)

Trade prices can be unlocked through various means, such as buying the Agency or completing a VIP Contract.

What is Imani Tech?

Imani Tech is only available if players upgrade their Agency with a Vehicle Workshop. Agencies tend to cost over two million dollars, while the workshop itself is worth $800,000. There are two Imani Tech support items in GTA Online:

  • Remote Control Unit ($235,000)
  • Missile Lock-On Jammer ($400,000)

The Remote Control Unit lets players control their vehicles without being in the driver's seat. While using this mode, players will be given a first-person view. They can even be given access to weapons like machine guns and detonation bombs.

Meanwhile, the Missile Lock-On Jammer will protect vehicles from homing missiles. Other players will no longer be able to auto-lock onto their targets. They will have to manually aim, which relies on their skill.

These upgrades are useful for all GTA Online players

Imani Tech support can be really useful for several reasons. For several years now, GTA Online players have been asking for these features. The Remote Control Unit and Missile Lock-On Jammer will keep players alive in dangerous situations.

Unfortunately, GTA Online limits the use of Imani Tech to one item. Some players consider it a wasted opportunity, which is why they hope Rockstar changes it in a future update. It remains to be seen if that's the case.

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